Explicit Phonics

Explicit Phonics Overview

At Ivy Classical Academy, we prioritize phonics-based instruction over the whole-language approach to teach spelling, reading, and fluency in English.

Our Approach to Classical Education

There are two primary methods for teaching reading: explicit phonics and the whole-language approach.

  • Explicit phonics emphasizes learning the written code of the language first (letters and the sounds they represent), assuming fluency and word recognition will follow.
  • Whole-language emphasizes learning words by recognition first, assuming that comprehension of letters and sounds will follow.


We use explicit phonics rather than whole-language instruction because research consistently shows it to be more effective in building strong literacy skills.

How Explicit Phonics Works


Our explicit phonics program begins with spelling. Students start with spoken words they already know and learn how to write them. In this process, students learn all the letters of the alphabet as well as common letter combinations called ‘phonograms’ (such as “th”) and the sounds they represent.


Phonographs are the foundation of writing. Students learn 72 phonograms by seeing, hearing, saying, and writing their corresponding sounds. They practice identifying sounds in spoken words and matching them with the correct phonograms. This process of translating spoken language into written form is called ‘encoding’ or ‘orthography,’ and marks the beginning of writing.

Reading & Writing

As students become more familiar with phonograms and spelling rules, they learn to write and read new words. On a daily basis, teachers present new words along with explicit explanations of the relevant spelling rules and sound-symbol relationships. This systematic approach builds a strong literacy foundation and fosters lifelong proficiency in reading and writing.

Studies have consistently shown that when students learn spelling and reading together, they will have significantly improved reading skills. This is why explicit phonics instruction is so effective. When a student knows how to spell a word, they can also read (or “decode”) it.

Now Hiring K-12 Teachers

Ivy Classical is looking for teachers who have a solid understanding of classical education, a dedication to the liberal arts and the teaching of civics, and a strong capacity for organizational leadership.